







honor | reverb

2006-01-11 : 12:29 p.m.


i'm trying not to think about anything.
finances are killing me. it's ridiculous, though, because here i am taking a week off of work and i'm poor, poor, poor.
this morning i went out for a little walk and the car of my dreams was parked outside the market. for sale sign: 1998 gti, 31k. it looked like crap. $3800. i want it. i want it! i'd have to learn to drive manual though. oh and then maybe i could drive to work and school instead of taking the t everywhere omg.
my bank account is almost empty. i don't know where all the money went.
i watched 6 hours of gilmore girls yesterday. other than that, i can't say i did anything - and today i slept until almost noon.
mmm. luna bars.
from now until... work starts again, i'm not doing anything. i don't even want to drink or read! or listen to music! my legs are cramping like hell. above the knees and at the calves.
oh i could go for a big glass of gatorade right now.
i haven't listened to any music in almost 3 days. i feel drained. i lost my knitting needles. that's a bummer too.
i either want to fix up my little ol' subaru (which would probably be the price of the gti) or buy this one. i probably won't be able to do either for years. if i got a car, though, bryan and i could be mobilized! if i transferred to anywhere non-NYC i'd need one. if i stay here, i say we can stand another year without a car.
someone teach me how to drive manual?

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