







honor | reverb

05.11.06 : 22:56

"danger zone!"

i am fucked in a BIG way.
i barely care, though, relatively.
oh, i am fucked.
but i am going to do something good for myself...
to do:

  1. study for am pol final (9 am tomorrow)
  2. rent crash (thanks b), watch it, write 2 pg paper on the cognitive disorders within the film (between my midterm (i'd get out around 11?) i can write the paper in 10-15 minutes, but watching the movie will take longer. turn in at simmons before...
  3. work 4-7
  4. javascript forms project due at midnight (EDIT: MIDNIGHT SATURDAY)
  5. work saturday 12-7
  6. work sunday 12-6, mother's day. unable to celebrate my mom (she's upset about it) or b's mom (i doubt she cares) because
  7. monday 2 pm, psych final: exam 4
  8. monday 3 pm, psych final: exam 2 (retake)
  9. work @ harvard sq 4-7
  10. tuesday: 15 pg research essay on the debate between science and the supernatural/paranormal

i will be out of commission until tuesday night. do not try to contact me between now and then, my phone will be off, my head will be exploding, but i will be fine. i will be graceful and composed. don't worry.

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