







honor | reverb

02.01.06 : 18:07

"the set"

there are things to do everywhere.
i took a little break today, it was nice, really.
i have this loneliness thing. there's this big gaping hole and paralyzing fear of being touched. and all i can listen to are the same songs over and over again, and sit and watch tv in this apartment by myself and have one hell of a banter over what my options are.
did i create this?
my parents - i must have done that. and i'm still doing it.
i got up at 6 this morning to write an extremely short essay about how studying abroad would benefit a student like me.
i sat there and the only thing that came to mind was "if i spent a semester abroad, i wouldn't have to be here." i ended up making up some shit about education, exploration and experience. watch me become a motivational speaker. i swear.
i have no place making fun of anyone. but i will anyway. bwahaha.
misery isn't attractive, you know?

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