







honor | reverb

01.19.06 : 23:09

"high tide"

here's how it stands:

work = unfriendly. i don't like it anymore. i'm on the outside.

school =

american politics = easy, but not awful.
computer science = my prof couldn't figure out how to make the computer work. he has never used a mac, and can't type a 200-word email without at least 10 typos. also, he's in his 70s, almost entirely deaf, and israeli (with very poor english and illegible handwriting).
intro to psych = i don't care that you're a woman or a minority. we're all women, and your race really doesn't matter much in the context of the course. we aren't judging you. shut up.
mcc: religion = oh god. the teacher is a nice guy. the class is a crapshoot. i guess it's not the right place to be an athiest. also: drugs and an eating disorder make you crazy. i don't believe that you found jesus after losing 2 liters of blood after a botched abortion. also, the catholic church sucks, but it would take a lot of "booze and blood" to convince me that all catholics are evil. fuck you.

i'm working 27 hours next week. at least school isn't going to be a struggle. a power struggle, maybe, actually.

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