







honor | reverb

2005-12-29 : 9:40 p.m.


i can't hold anything down.
it doesn't matter how hard i try. i try, i really, do, sometimes. it doesn't matter what it is. it doesn't matter what i do. it just won't stay.
and i find myself fighting for stupid shit.
why does this matter? correction, it doesn't. none of this does.i just don't want to be sick allll the time. stomach flus are my bffs. without them, i may look like a normal human.
maybe i don't really want to transfer. do i? nope. nopedynopenope.
i got 4 of my 5 grades. come on! give me my last one!
maybe i don't want it? it probably sucks.
GAH someone make this stop because i can't do annnyythinggggg.
oh, and if i don't stop getting called "lexi anorexi," "jack skellington," and "why don't you get some help for that bulimia" i'm going to KILL that STUPID FUCKING BITCH holy SHIT.
i told hope, and she said "wow, that never even crossed my mind."
i said "good. because she has no grounds for saying ANY of that."

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